John Archer

AGM Meeting

Hi all, good to see some of you back bowling. The club is open to everyone at the normal roll-up times ( Tues Fri and Sundays) and as always is open at any time for members to have a private practice. Everything is fairly normal apart from a restriction on numbers together with regulation social

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Bowlers Required

Hi All, As you hopefully all know last season we won the Northern League Trips League for the very first time in Bonalba’s history. I would personally like to thank everyone for their help and input into this achievement regardless if you played or did not, at the end of the day it was a

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Club Roll-Ups Return

Our normal club roll-ups will recommence on Tuesday 23rd June. You are also welcome to turn up at other times for private practice. Booking is no longer necessary but please complete the signing in book. The padlock on the front gate will be changed, until Tuesday the code will be the same as before. There

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Phase Three

MEASURES PHASE THREE These are the new measures you need to know, effective from Monday, June 15, in case of approval): Time bands: Completely removed. Meetings: It is extended to 20 people, respecting the rules of safety and hygiene, as well as the safety distance of at least 2 metres. Mobility between provinces: It is

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Hi all, Just a short update to all members.We are seeing a gradual return to bowls from a small number of members using a booking system, sticking to a set of rules and using sanitiser and disinfectant spray to keep us all safe. It is open to all but it is necessary to book in

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