Bonalba Bowls New Carpet

On June 24th 2022 we played the last matched on our current carpet.

It was looking tired and worn, but has given the club many years of service and happy memories.

The decision to replace the existing carpet was approved by the committee.

Greengauge were the chosen suppliers

Work has now finished, and the NEW carpet is now fitted.

A great effort by the loyal volunteers from Bonalaba to remove the old carpet and prepare the base.

The volunteers have repaired steps, landscaped the grounds, painted the club house, Jetwashed the grounds, and filled 2 skips of waste.


A big thanks to Chris and George from Greegauge, who worked very hard in the extreme heat.

The new carpet will give us many years of bowling, and hopefully attract more members to our friendly club.

Removing The Old Carpet 27/06/2022

Removing The Underlay 28/06/2022

Preparing The Base 29/06/2022

Cleaning And Sealing The Base 30/06/2022

New Steps and Final Clean 15/07/2022

The New Carpet Has Arrived 20/07/2022

Underlay Being Fitted 21/07/2022

The New Carpet Being Fitted 22/07/2022

Final Touches 27/07/2022